DevLog #3 Currency and Realism

DevLog #3

- For this update i added some realism to the game, this idea came from MrSuper in the topic

- Check out his Page   .

- He had suggested to add wheel colliders to the car to add realism. I tested out some different settings and i found a good match for the  car.

- i also added a more interactive camera follow. Before the update, the camera would just follow the player without any Fov effects, now the camera will follow the player and change depending on the players speed!

- The final thing i added was a currency you receive while driving, i don't have many ideas for what do with this currency but it can maybe be used for buying cars, you can receive In-Game currency by driving, the faster you drive the more you make.

- Anyways that was all that was added, i think this update was a  big improvement for the game's path in the future.

- Check out the game and let me know on any feedback!


Files Play in browser
Jun 30, 2023


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